Here’s how to attract financial abundance

Today, I have something extra special for you: I’m going to share a few of my financial abundance tips. All I ask is that when the money starts rolling in, you remember me and give me half of your earnings, or at least generously donate a 7-day eastern Caribbean cruise.

Sound good?

I’m joking of course, but it would be super cool to get an email from you if you have exciting news to report: perhaps telling me you received a promotion, found a $20 bill on the ground, won a lottery ticket or a family member unexpectedly gifted you a car. I love hearing from my community when my advice helps to make their lives more prosperous. It motivates me to do what I do.

Okay, here are a few things you can put into action to attract abundance:

Get clear, get organized and honor your money: There’s no way the universe can help you achieve your goals – and there’s no way YOU can help yourself achieve your goals, if you don’t know where you currently stand and where you’re going. And you’ll never be able to stay focused on your money goals if you have too many loose ends and distractions. Soooo, just a few starting points….

  • Create and review your budget regularly.
  • Consolidate loans and accounts.
  • Use the gift cards in the drawer that have been there for years. Yes, you read that right. How did I know? Well, I am a psychic
  • Cancel or negotiate lower rates for subscriptions you’re barely using or that aren’t giving you maximum joy. Think about this… do you really need Netflix, HBO Max, YouTube TV, Apple TV+….
  • Stop giving your money away to businesses that are giving you subpar products and service, i.e. no more rubber burgers because the restaurant is conveniently down the street or manicures that chip in a week because there’s never a line (um, isn’t it obvious why there’s never a line?).

Accept gifts: What goes around comes around. Whether it’s a coupon, compliment, or free something-or-other, accept it with open arms. Rather than wishing it was something bigger or better, feeling guilty about receiving it or turning it down, welcome it into your life. Remind yourself that you’re worthy of abundance. When you receive a gift, take a deep breath in and be grateful – to the person that made it happen and to the universe. 

Give to others: Abundance is all about balance – receiving AND giving:

  • Donate your talents to a group in need.
  • Drop off your old clothes and books to a woman’s shelter.
  • Surprise a stranger by buying their coffee.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ll find abundance by hoarding your money. In fact, all that will do is lower your energetic connection to abundance.

Show money you love it: Pick pennies up off the ground. De-crinkle the dollar bills in your purse. Write a check to yourself and keep it in view as you work. Talk positively about money and whatever you do, stop using statements such as ‘I was born to be poor’ or ‘Money is the root of all evil’. Negative talk about the relationship between you and money won’t put more bills in your hand. Instead, get curious about money and even excited to work with it. Talk about finances with your partner. Set up an appointment to meet with a financial advisor. Read and watch videos about money. Knowledge is power, I promise you.

The key to opening up the energetic door to abundance and keeping it open is consistency. Make a commitment to integrate these practices into your daily/weekly/monthly routine on a regular basis.

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this blog to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


PS – Here’s an affirmation to help support your financial journey, “Abundance finds me every day in expected and unexpected ways.”

PPS – Oftentimes, money doesn’t flow our way because of limiting beliefs we have about it. These beliefs are usually handed down to us from our parents and role models. Find a quiet spot and get out your pen and journal. Think back to your childhood. What limiting beliefs were handed down to you? Perhaps that taking financial risks would lead to bankruptcy or that only businessmen could earn good money? Maybe you always heard that there was no such thing as luck or good fortune, or that wanting money is selfish. Once you identify these limiting beliefs, ask yourself what YOU believe in and write down your own beliefs about money.

Author: Danielle Clark

Dr. Danielle Clark is a witty heart-centered millennial. She wears many hats in this beautiful + crazy thing we call life. She is a proud wife, and cat, dog and human mama who works as a psychic medium, intuitive life coach, spiritual teacher and business professor. Dr. Danielle’s life work is focused on helping people heal from self-judgement, trauma and grief so that they can release their suffering and tap into the highest version of themselves. Danielle’s been blessed to do that for herself and that’s why she’s made it her mission to pass along her wisdom to others. Danielle is from just north of Boston. She currently lives in the Tampa Bay area. She believes with a little love, grace and humor anything is possible. She invites you to join her blog Onwards at and to connect with her on social media.

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