Follow the breadcrumbs

Last month, I had a work event at my college where I was invited to have lunch with some local stakeholders.

Although I like networking and supporting my college, I wasn’t feeling too excited about it. It was on a Friday and a 40-minute drive from my home, plus I didn’t know anyone else attending.

I decided to check in with my intuition and asked if I should go. It gave me a strong unwavering ‘YES’, so I decided to trust it and headed to the event.

The lunch was good, with yummy food – salmon with an orange glaze and rice pilaf – and the people at my table were very nice. But these things didn’t quite match with the enthusiastic ‘YES’ my intuition had given me. Picking at the last bit of salmon on my plate I started to wonder, Why am I here?

About 20 minutes later, the college president spoke on institution updates and showed photos of our state-of-the-art, award-winning pickleball courts. She informed the room that our college offered lessons. I paused, the last piece of salmon falling off the tip of my fork. The hairs on my arms stood up and I felt little tingles all over my body. This is why I’m here! I knew very little about pickleball and had never played it but my reaction to the announcement told me I was meant to pursue it.

I rushed home and scheduled pickleball lessons with Chris, the manager of the sport complex. I had my first lesson a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been playing a few times a week ever since. I feel more alive (and sore!) than I have in years. Learning the rules, improving my backswing, and tapping into the competitor in me has brought a much-needed element of play and focus into to my life.

Sometimes, we don’t know why we’re somewhere. That’s okay – honor your intuition and stay anyway. Make sure to keep your eyes open for the breadcrumbs (or in my case the pickleballs). You never know where it might lead you, so stay curious!

Dr. Danielle Clark | Psychic Medium 

PS – Here’s an affirmation to use to strengthen the connection between you and your intuition, ‘I listen to my intuition and follow it with courage and faith, knowing it will always guide me towards my highest good.’

PPS – Experiencing life fully with enthusiasm reduces stress and gives our life more purpose and fun. When was the last time you felt truly alive and energized? Grab your pen and journal. What were you doing or experiencing? How can you incorporate more of these activities or moments into your daily life to feel more fulfilled and present?

Shift happens!

In mid-2021, I realized I wanted the new experience of working at a metaphysical shop – and I wanted it bad. I wanted an established community where I could be whisked away to a fast-paced and fun, high-vibing atmosphere. I knew I could gain plenty of retail knowledge, but I desired the healing energy and ‘unexpecteds’ of such an environment.

Within a few months I met a wonderful woman at a mediumship development circle who knew of a metaphysical shop looking for a medium. My prayers to the Universe were delivered.  

For most of 2022, I worked at the Violet Butterfly, serving one-on-one clients and offering a variety of different workshops and mediumship demonstrations. I loved serving my clients there. I was learning new things. I got my wish and I was grateful. Life was good… Until it wasn’t.

Starting in mid-September, the commute to the metaphysical shop became a thorn in my side – the hour-long drive turned to more a chore than an opportunity. I started getting sick more than usual. My soul was telling me it wanted more “me time” and time to focus on my family and different endeavors.

So what exactly happened?

Shift happened.

I have no explanation other than this, and this is important to understand: Sometimes, shift just happens. I fulfilled a goal of mine and it was time to pivot. And so I did.

I gave my notice and parted ways from the Violet Butterfly a few weeks ago. If I had listened to my ego, perhaps I would have stayed longer thanks to a false narrative that creeped into my thoughts every now and then: Danielle you just got here. Why are you leaving so soon? You’re not a quitter. You just need to work harder to juggle everything. Why are you leaving when you don’t know exactly what you’ll be doing next?

Fortunately, my ego didn’t win and instead I honored my soul. I’m now feeling more energized, more expansive and I’ve been investing my extra time into my health, my family and the memoir I’m writing. I’m where I need to be, even though I don’t know all the answers of what’s to come.

I am proud that I honored my soul and not my ego. That’s a choice I’ve been actively working with for five years, since I was in a job with a toxic environment and boss. In that job, my soul was drained. I battled against my boss’s demeaning and manipulative communication style, and demanding and at times unfair expectations. My husband and son dealt with my backlash as I regularly came home with massive headaches and low energy levels.

I had received many signs and messages from my higher self to leave, but I stayed. Why? Because my ego’s false narrative dominated my thoughts: Danielle, you won’t find another job if you don’t stay here for at least two years…The title and the money is worth the discomfort… You just need to work harder to juggle everything…

I didn’t listen to my intuition, so the Universe made me listen. I lost the job. In that moment, it was detrimental. But now? It was one of the greatest miracles in my life although looking back on it, I realize things could have gone much smoother if I had made a shift sooner.

What’s the moral of the story? Shift happens. Especially in these fast-changing times.


  • Learn from past events where you resisted change. If something similar from the past is being presented to you, it’s an invitation to do things differently.
  • Listen to your intuition and accept the call to shift, leading to more ease and flow.
  • You don’t need to know or control everything before making a change. Trust your higher self and the Universe.
  • Your wants and needs are at times going to change rapidly. Honor them.

As my dear friend Robyn says, Shift happens. Suffering is optional. If you follow the above, there will be less suffering.

If you need to make change in your life and want a higher perspective to help with that shift, don’t hesitate to book a one-on-one with me. Through intuitive coaching and mediumship, I can help guide and support your change journey.


Dr. Danielle Clark | Psychic Medium

PS – Here’s an affirmation to use when you need the courage to make change, “I welcome in the power that comes with honoring my intuition. Regardless of what happens next, I know I am a magnet for abundance.”
PPS – To my Violet Butterfly community, I am sending you love and light. Thank you for your warm embrace and support. I look forward to visiting you at the shop in 2023 with a few special offerings. Stay tuned.

It all works out

The other day, I wanted to get my nails done, but I wasn’t close to my usual place by work (I knooooow. Big life problems I’m reporting here). So, I had a decision to make.

  • Option 1: Do I go to the nail place about ten minutes from my house? I’ve been there once and they did an okay job but the nail technician wasn’t very friendly.
  • Option 2: Do I try the new place just two minutes down the road?

I wasn’t sure what to do, so I asked my inner-me (i.e., my intuition, my gut, my higher self, whatever you want to call it/they/him/her) what to do and she said, Option 1.

Wait, are you sure? responds my stubborn ego. You weren’t overly happy before and the new place is closer?

I caught myself not honoring my intuition and shut down the doubt. Danielle, go with Option 1.

And so I did.

When I got to the nail salon, they told me it would be a ten-minute wait. Nice work, intuition!


That 10-minute wait turned to 30, then ended up about 50 minutes. While waiting for my mani/pedi, I oscillated between: Danielle enjoy the you time… Everything happens for a reason… and, Maybe you got that voice in your head wrong… I worked hard to keep my vibes high and to trust the process.

Although I wasn’t overly pleased with the wait, my French manicure and white toes came out amazing! The nail technician was sweet, tucking hints of humor into our conversation every now and then. She was meticulous with her work. It was a fantastic overall experience and well worth my time and money.

As I left the nail salon, my intuition rang back in, Go to the clothing boutique next store. They have the summer shirts you’ve been looking for.

My ego jumped to doubt again (Isn’t it funny…or frustrating… how our minds work?), Remember, you don’t like it there. The last time you were there everything was disorganized and expensive.

I again caught myself and shut down the hesitation. Danielle, you’re going in the store.

Within ten minutes I had six items in my hand. Talk about easy! I tried them on and all but two fit perfectly. The best part? Everything I had was on sale and I spent less than $60. A special treat!

The simple takeaway is, trust your intuition and don’t panic if you perceive that something isn’t working out. Our higher self always knows what’s in our best interest even though there may be a few detours along the way (like a long wait at a nail salon).

I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a similar story? One where your intuitive decision surprised you and turned out beneficial, even though you worried it may not? Send me a note.   
Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this blog to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


Dr. Danielle Clark | Psychic Medium 

PS – Here’s an affirmation to use when you’re feeling uneasy about a situation, “What is meant for me will find me. What is not meant for me will not find me.”

PPS – Find a pen and journal. Think about something happening in your life that you perceive as ‘not good’ (ex: your brother is mad at you or you lost your job). Get creative and write a story about all the ways this situation could work in your favor (ex: you and your brother have the best make-up conversation and decide to celebrate the new and improved sibling relationship by going to Hawaii for 3 weeks, or you end up finding a new part-time job doing exactly what you love making 200k a year). Get dreamy and really allow yourself to feel the good vibes. A couple sentences to a full page will do. Then, write on your paper, ‘I’m using these high vibes to give this situation love’ and trust that although you may not see it, things are working in your favor.

If you have the chance, take it

I’m a business professor at a local community college and attended our large faculty meeting a few weeks ago. Our guest speaker was Steve Griggs, CEO of the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Steve kicked off his presentation stating he’d be giving away four tickets to that night’s game against the Boston Bruins.

I perked up in my seat. I love a good Lightning game. I’m from just outside of Boston too, so the matchup was perfect and it’d be a competitive game! And most importantly, I was pumped for this opportunity because just the week before, my husband had been given sixth row seat Lightning tickets but couldn’t go because he was in the hospital.

I pictured the joy these tickets would bring to me and my family, and I whispered to Spirit, ‘Thank you for sharing abundance with me.’

Steve then said he’d give the tickets to the first one who knew where his alma mater Wilfred Laurier University was. And guess what? I knew where it was! Ontario!

But instead of jumping out of my seat and proudly exclaiming the answer, I mouthed it to myself.

I have no idea why I did this. A part of me was spaced out and I think scared to be embarrassed if I was wrong (even though my intuition told me I was right). It was so odd as I wanted the tickets but something in me froze.

Someone else popped up from her chair and loudly blurted, ‘Calgary’.

Steve said, ‘No’.

It was now my shot to speak up and claim those tickets that in some unexplainable way, I already felt were mine.


I stayed frozen. A woman excitedly yelled, ‘Ontario!’

A few seconds later, reality hit me. I hadn’t spoken my truth. I hadn’t claimed what was mine. I was baffled. And upset.

As Steve gave his presentation, the energy within me grew. I had to redeem myself, for myself. I had to show myself that I honored my intuition and that I was worthy of abundance.

At the end of the presentation as Steve exited the stage, I followed him.

When I caught up to him he was signing autographs for a small group of people. When I could, I went up to him and blabbed and blubbered some version of this, ‘I believe in signs and synchronicities… I’m from Boston… I knew the answer… My husband had to give up Lightning tickets because he was in the hospital… I couldn’t let you leave without honoring my intuition…’

Steve (unlike me) was straight to the point, ‘Do you want tickets?’

And I claimed what was mine, ‘Yes, yes I do.’

The next thing I knew, Steve gave me his cell phone # and asked that I text him. Shortly after I had four club seat tickets for the Lightning versus Ducks game that included unlimited food and drinks. I thought this game would be even better than if we saw the Bruins as my hubby had another week to heal.

A week later my family and I went to the game and we had an amazing time (my hubby especially was so appreciative), and the Lightning beat the Ducks in overtime to clinch the playoffs.

Thanks to this experience, I’ve been reminded to:

  • Claim what’s mine
  • Trust my intuition
  • Not worry about what others think

I’ve also remembered that it’s never too late to take action and make something I want happen.

I’m hoping you’ll remember these lessons too.

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this blog to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


PS – Here’s an affirmation to use to attract abundance, ‘I attract abundance with ease. I’m a magnet for opportunities to give and receive.’

PPS – For us to receive abundance, we also need to take action towards finding that abundance (after all we are co-creating with the universe). Grab your pen and journal. What areas of your life would you like to see more abundance? Career opportunities? Travel opportunities? Finances? Once you’ve identified a few areas, identify what actions you’re already taking towards your goals (i.e. you’re applying for 10 jobs a week; taking college classes to help drive up your skill level). Give thanks to all you’re doing (positive vibes helps abundance find us). Next, identify new ways you can take action. How can you enhance your mindset on the subject, perhaps becoming more positive and open-minded that what you want is coming your way? How can you learn more in the area you want to experience more abundance? What steps can you take to better position yourself to receive abundance (i.e. if you’re looking for love, make sure you have a plan to be out of the house and more social so you can meet new people). Now make your list a reality.

Decisions, decisions

At least several times a week a client asks for my help in making a decision. And fortunately, I’m there to assist.

I’ll tap in energetically to give my read on a certain situation. I’ll offer advice from my lived experiences. I’ll ask certain questions to get them thinking about the choice differently.

But ultimately, the decision is theirs to make. I don’t make decisions for others, and that leaves some feeling lost and confused. Regularly, I’ll receive some push back: Okay, so just tell me what to do… I’m just too frazzled to do this on my own… What do you think I should do? What do you mean you can’t make this decision for me? Tell me the right thing to do…

It makes sense that we want the right answer. We’ve all gone stir crazy racking our brains to find some kind of ultimate, best solution. But most times, the way we define right, well isn’t quite right — Oftentimes, we are looking for a quick fix, the easy answer or for someone to take that decision-making weight off our shoulders.  
Here’s what I know to be true: sometimes (most times actually!) there isn’t a right or wrong. All of the potential paths we can take will provide their own beautiful opportunities for soul growth.

I know! Not the answer you were looking for. But keep reading.

Even though there may not be a right way, there may be a path that best serves you. And to understand what that is, it’s my fierce belief that you hold that answer (not me or anyone else).

You hold the wisdom within yourself to serve yourself best. Yes, of course, getting a new perspective from a book, a friend, a coach, or a psychic can absolutely help but their wisdom is to help awaken the wisdom that is already inside of YOU.

So how do you tap into your inner knowing to help you make the decision that best serves you?     

I’m glad you asked…

Detach from the concept of right and wrong and detach from outcomes.

Oftentimes, we get so fixated on our desired end result of a decision, that we lose sight of the journey. It’s so natural and human to want a specific outcome, but our attachment to that desire only blurs our vision of the situation. We feel a false sense of control when we believe that a decision will produce a specific end result. I’m so sorry to tell you this: But you cannot control the future!  
The reality is, life will throw us unexpecteds and curveballs and we need to honor that. Sure, we should have goals and aim for them, think things through, and weigh the pros and cons to reduce our anxiety surrounding the situation. We just can’t get caught up in the mind game of outcomes. We don’t have absolute control over what happens!  And sometimes what we think we want (like that new job or new boyfriend) is not what’s best for us (but we don’t know that because we don’t know everything involved with that decision).
Instead, when making a decision, quiet your mind, connect with your heart (I suggest you put both hands on your heart), tap into your intuition and ask yourself: What path will serve the highest good for me and all involved?

Your innerYOU will love this question and will give you the wisdom you seek. Because while your mind doesn’t have all the answers, your soul does.

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this blog to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


PS – Here’s an affirmation to empower you when making a decision, “I trust that I will guide myself to the right decision.”

PPS – Are you still struggling with what decision to make? If so, grab your pen and journal. Start writing down all the things you love about yourself: I’m funny. I’m an involved Dad. I make the best chicken pot pie. I’m an inspiring and caring manager. Keep this list going for at least 5 minutes. How do you feel? Good right? Loved? Like a badass? Awesome, you should! Now lean into the decision, put your hands on your heart and ask yourself what you should do. The answer that comes is your soul talking.

Let’s celebrate

It’s been a year since I started this blog. Every week for the last year, I’ve set aside some time to write (well, except when I had Covid… and that one time I completely forgot what day it was… Life happens. This ‘being human’ thing can be terrific and turbulent all at once!).

As I reflect on this big milestone, I’m proud of myself. I’m proud I’ve been open and honest. For starting something and sticking to it. For putting out some much-needed positive vibes into the world.

Although it hasn’t always been easy (Eek! Should I really click ‘Send’? Will people judge me? Ugh. Do I have the time to write?), it’s been healing to put my life on the page and it’s been soul-fulfilling to connect with you in this intimate way. To know I have in some way given you a boost, insight or perspective warms my heart. Thank you sincerely for your readership and thanks for sharing this blog with others. I’m amazed at how well received it is and how fast it’s grown.

And I have to say is this: Cheers to you for working hard to break judgment habits, tapping into your intuition, and thinking and being bigger. Onward!

To celebrate my one-year blogging anniversary, I went down memory lane and selected some of my favorite blogs, listed below. I hope you’ll check them out, reread them and share them with your network as part of the celebration.
Expect more typos from me     

  • This is where it all began. My first blog post! And the message is still near-and-dear to my heart: We need to kick perfectionism to the curb.

Liar, liar, my pants were on fire

  • Have you made a parenting mistake? Have you misjudged someone? Yup! Me too. What’s the moral of this story? Try not to judge others. Try not to fib. Own up to your mistakes when you can. And yes, I know, it’s easier said than done.

It’s not about you

  • I regularly struggle with my self-worth and need for validation from others. This blog post captures an important “ah-ha!” moment where I received an important reminder: Trust in myself. While I am not one to toot my own horn, the learning and the writing in this one is profound.

Do healing your own way

  • I am madly in love with my husband and appreciate when I can bring him into my art. This is a beautiful story of how we are all different and how we need to take care of ourselves based on what is best for us – not what the world tells us we need.

How I navigate impostor syndrome

  • Helping others navigate impostor syndrome energizes me. It’s as simple as that. 

From shame to acceptance: it’s possible

  • If I was handing out awards to myself, this would win the ‘Bravery Award’. This is the first time I had been truly transparent about my herpes type 1 (HSV-1).

The weird is your oyster

  • And since I’m giving out awards (yes, I officially just made that a thing), this one wins the ‘Most Fun to Write Award’. It’s not everyday that I let my freak flag fly so high, and I loved every second of writing this blog and sharing it with the world.

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this blog to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


PS – Since I can’t have you over for a champagne toast (how fun does that sound?) let’s celebrate in a different way. Here’s a one-time use 50% off coupon code you can use if you’d like to book a mediumship or intuitive coaching call with meCoupon code: CELEBRATE.

PPS – Thanks again for being YOU. For reading. For putting in the hard work to make yourself and this world a better place. You inspire me to keep writing – and to keep going.

Ego versus intuition

My intuitive coaching clients regularly ask me a version of, “I have this voice inside of me when I’m trying to make a decision, but how can I tell if it’s the TrueMe talking or my ego?”

It’s a great question, so great that I decided to share my response with you.

In short, your true voice aka your intuition (or your soul or whatever else you may call it) typically sounds like this:

·       Future-focused, coming from a place of the highest good for all

·       Clear and concise

·       Supportive (but will give you tough love as needed)

·       Wise (sometimes, it will even use words or phrases that you typically wouldn’t use, signaling it’s coming from a higher place)

·       Makes you feel calm, confident and proud

Your ego will typically sound like this:

·       Stuck in the past (oftentimes it will show up as an unhealthy thought-loop replaying a scenario over and over again)

·       Repetitive and scattered

·       Fear-based, focused on you and you only

·       Filled with unkind or deflating comments, i.e. name calling or assuming the worst in people

·       This voice makes you feel small, bitter, mad, anxious

The next time you have a big decision to make, take steps to help quiet your ego. To do this I suggest meditation and taking long walks in nature.

Could you benefit from an intuitive coaching or a psychic mediumship reading? If so, check out my services and reach out if it calls to you. 

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this newsletter to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


PS – Here’s an affirmation to help you trust your higher self, “I am fully present. My intuition knows the way.”

PPS – Do you need more clarity on a decision you’re making? If so, grab your journal and a pen. Free write for as long as you need. Try not to overthink what comes to you, just continue to write! What’s the decision? What direction do you think you should take? What are the pros and cons? How are you feeling about it? Once you’re done writing, do an audit of your words using the ‘ego’ and ‘intuition’ definitions above. Are you thinking from a place of ego or intuition? 

Liar, liar, my pants were on fire

On Good Friday, I walked into the kitchen and saw my fourteen-year-old son Aaron on his phone. Unbelievable. On his phone again when I just asked him to do the dishes. My blood boiledI puffed out my cheeks and squinted my eyes as I walked past him.

When I strolled by glancing in his direction, Aaron looked up and stuttered, “Mom, I was just picking a new song to listen to while I do the dishes. I promise.”

My heart melted. By his tone and his body language, I knew my sweet boy (who doesn’t even use his phone that much!) was telling the truthShit Danielle, not cool.

I softened my face and cracked a warm smile, “Huh? I didn’t say anything,” I lied.

Aaron looked to the ground and said, “You didn’t have to. You got me really upset. I could feel you were mad. I’m sorry.”

Stubborn and embarrassed, I quipped, “Nope, that’s all you. I wasn’t thinking that, and I wasn’t mad. Maybe you’re just tired.”

I booked it to my office, closed the door, and let the tears trickle down. Danielle, first you prejudged him and then you lied to your son… What is going on?

As I thought about the situation, I realized I let my pride get in the way of being honest. I wanted to be right, but I unfairly assumed that Aaron was avoiding dishes for scrolling through Instagram. I also had an epiphany; my lying could have a big impact on Aaron. Not only could my actions jeopardize our relationship, but it could also prevent him from trusting his intuition.

I started to worry even more. What if Aaron believed me when I said I wasn’t mad in the moment? Maybe next time he won’t trust his gut and his ability to read people deeper than their spoken words. This scared the crap out of me. As someone who regularly uses her intuition in work and personal life, I know how important it is to decision-making, protecting myself from people and situations I don’t want, and fostering more authentic relationships with others.

When I couldn’t take it any longer, I had a chat with Aaron. Blinking away tears, I took a deep breath in and said, “Aaron, you were right this morning. You did sense I was mad. I made a snap judgement when you were on your phone. I realized that was unfair of me, but I was too stubborn to admit it so I tried to make it seem like you were the one who was reading the room wrong. I am so, so sorry. I always want you to trust yourself. I love you so much. And I’m sorry for lying.”

Aaron chuckled, “You’re so dramatic. I knew you were lying. It’s all good. I forgive you.”

I grinned, “It was immature of me and I’m going to do better. It makes me so stinkin’ proud that you trusted yourself.”

We hugged it out.

What’s the moral of the story? There are many here. Try not to judge others. Try not to fib. Own up to your mistakes when you can. Remember, you’re not alone if you’ve made a parenting blunder.

In my eyes, the most important lesson to carry with you is to be like Aaron and trust your intuition always. Sometimes, people won’t tell you the truth, either because they’re embarrassed, scared, or their ego has taken over. Don’t doubt yourself for a second. Your intuition is a powerful and needed tool in this world.

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this blog to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  


PS – Here’s an affirmation for those days when you question your reality (i.e. you feel one way but someone else claims differently), I am grounded and aware.”

PPS – Do you want to start trusting yourself more? If so, here’s a writing activity. Set a timer for 2 minutes. During that time, list as many things as you can that you’ve ‘done right’ over the years; small or big decisions you’ve made that have worked out well for you. Did you pick a comfy couch that has held strong for years? Did you suggest the last restaurant you and your friends went to and the service and food was awesome? Did you marry the love of your life? Once your two minutes are up, you should be left with multiple examples to remind yourself that your intuition and judgment are strong; that you have the power to trust yourself. Remember this the next time the world is trying to tell you differently.

Right brain secrets: Unlock your Intuition

For many years, I’d always known there were two sides of the brain, and that each side contributed differently to how we function. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I began to dive deeper into this information. I realized quickly that I leaned hard on my left-brain: the side defined by linear thinking, facts and logic. My right-brain – the side responsible for creativity, imagination and intuition – was not the side I normally tapped into, if ever. I knew it was time to shift my dominant side. I received a calling (an intuitive hit of sorts) to exercise my right-brain; I accepted that challenge; and I’m so glad I did.

To strengthen my right-brain, I took classes and read books on things such as creative writing and spiritual development. I then started putting my learnings into practice: I now meditate, write for fun, pay more attention to art, talk to nature when I’m outside, and think more about ‘What if?’ than ‘What is?’.

Hopping into my right-brain more has resulted in me feeling complete – and less stressed. I’m no longer hyper focused on the destination and instead enjoy the journey along the way. Because of this, regardless if I am working or spending time with family, my days are spent more childlike in the best way possible. I’m curious. I daydream. I take risks. I stop to smell the roses (literally and figuratively).

One of the many benefits I’ve experienced from exercising my right-brain is a heightened intuition. My thoughts have much more clarity: I can clearly define how I feel about a person, what’s the highest good for me and others; what food, movie, situation will best serve me short and long term. This clear knowing removes that intense and exhausting analytical debate in my head, freeing me up for things that matter most (yes, that’s you Ron, Aaron, Amy, Charlie and Nicee).

With my instincts sharp, I make decisions with ease and confidence, and I want that for you too. If you want to activate your intuition to help you make clear decisions consider ways you can learn more about your right-brain: What books can you read? What conversations can you have? What classes can you take?

You can also try this activity:When you have a decision to make, check in with how you’re feeling about it. To get a sense of your true emotions (not the ones our mind creates like fear, anger and toxic worry), get somewhere quiet and comfy. Bring a journal with you so you can jot down whatever comes to you. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Close your eyes and visualize yourself turning your mind off (I picture myself turning my brain off, just like a light switch).
  2. After a few deep breathes, ask yourself (silently or out loud) how you’re feeling about the situation at hand. For this activity, I like to place a hand on my chest to help me tap into the heart-centered answer I’m looking for (remember, this is all about getting our intuition to ‘talk’ to us, not our mind).
  3. Keep focusing on your breathing and if thoughts pop into your mind, don’t get discouraged, just ask them gently to leave.
  4. Once you’ve settled into a calm state, focus on how your body is feeling. Is it tight? Is that tightness telling you something? Do you feel warm and supported? Is that sensation telling you something? Are you seeing anything, perhaps with your third eye? Visions of you doing or not doing whatever it is you’re questioning?
  5. Once you’ve received the information (whatever that information is), don’t overthink it. Instead, simply honor it (this is the most important step) by thanking your intuition and going down the path your intuition wants you to follow.

The more you tap into your intuition (through this activity and others), the stronger you’ll get. You’ll be able to turn your brain off faster (it will be thankful for the rest), get into that zen-like flow faster, and you’ll begin to recognize and understand the way your intuition talks to you (those sensations and pictures you’re being sent). As with anything, practice is important.

Join me in spreading my messages of breaking judgement habits and strengthening intuition even further: forward this newsletter to a few family members and friendsThe greater the shares, the greater the impact – They can subscribe here.  



PS – Here’s an affirmation to get you trusting your intuition more, “I trust my own wisdom. I know the truth by the way it feels.”

PPS – Do you want to add more right-brain fun into your life? If so, grab your journal and get outside. Here’s a creative writing prompt: Based on what you see, smell, hear and feel, write a story using your intuition, not your mind. Don’t edit for typos. Don’t judge your work. Just write as you let yourself go into your imagination.

A higher version of YOU

A higher version of YOU

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